Daemon 3

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  1. DAEMON 3 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It is part of the "Daemon" series I started for "Fantastic Stories".

    My text for the story was in white ink along the bottom of the illustration, which extends down to accommodate all the text;

    "Throughout the vast oceans of stars the dominant life-forms either struggle to move in harmony for the common good, or fight to achieve power and control over All, which may ultimately threaten even the ETERNAL! You have searched the world for adventure Daemon, and you will find it, beyond your wildest dreams, out among the stars! TAKE THE CHILD'S HAND!"

    I don't know how writers go about creating a story, no doubt there are as many ways as there are writers, but I decided to start by writing down some fundamental ideas on which to form a foundation for my story. I jotted down;
    1. Basic storylines: Since sword and sorcery stories are so popular, create a heroic adventure, but make your hero un-like Howard's Conan character, there are already too many Conan imitators. Your hero should have only average skills as a swordsman.
    2. Make your hero's main attributes leadership instincts and persistence, model him after George Washington, who began the war for independence having no military experience, no army, and no desire to be the General of an army. And yet, after congress convinced him that he was the only man among them that could do it, he formed an army and defeated the world's greatest military force at the time, the British army and Navy. George Washington was truly heroic.

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